When all of your primary customer base knows who you are, looks to you for information on how your field is progressing, and contacts you first when they have a need, that is being irresistible, in business.
The cultivation of an irresistible image that compels customers to consider you demands that your marketing address your customers’ needs, your solutions, and the best action for the customer to take.
Regardless of whether your marketing message is in a sales letter, an ad or on a website, you must identify your customers’ problems, announce your solutions, and then advise the customer to act.When you illustrate your customers’ troubles, you demonstrate that you understand their business. If you show that you grasp what your customers are facing, they will grasp that you are someone in the know, with your finger on the pulse of their industry.
Is your customer’s problem finding the latest accounting software? Are they trying to get more hits on their website? Do they worry about safety preparedness at home? Are they having trouble maintaining their target weight?
Discover the deepest concerns of your customers and, by dramatizing that situation, you capture their undivided attention.
They see before them, on your billboard or TV commercial, what they ponder and even fret over all the time, and that is magnetic to their attention. When the portrayal of your customers’ problems has arrested their focus, they will then glance about to see if the entity that put their inner thoughts out there so blatantly and clearly has also proposed an answer. That is your next big element!
Show the hint of a solution immediately following or near by to the problem, and your prospective customer is more than halfway into your store, your phone line or your email. You have shown them that you are aware of their need, and that you have found and will provide the solution they crave.
You used imagery of the problem to draw their attention to your understanding of the situation. Use imagery to illustrate your solution. Demonstrate how your solution addresses the problem by ending it, providing them with what the customer desires, keeping the problem from occurring in the first place, or helping customers retain something they are concerned about losing.
Claims of expertise or other credentials and discussions of technicalities might help a prospective customer make a decision on using your product or service rather than another’s, but clearly illustrating the practical outcome (brighter teeth, greater financial security, etc.) of your solution captures their attention and leads them to ask about expertise, credentials and technicalities. Your qualifications won’t matter to someone who is not interested in your solutions.
Four out of five people make decisions about spending money over time. They research and ponder and compare for a long time before actually making the decision to spend money. When the time comes to actually transfer the funds, it may be based on the sudden, recent sighting of your marketing material, but the consideration of options will have been going on for some time before they discover your product or service. To interrupt the cycle of waiting and wondering, you draw the customer’s attention by presenting their problem to them, presenting your answer to the problem, and then instructing the prospect to act immediately by calling, writing, buying, etc.This three-tier marketing strategy is appropriate in all your marketing and promotional material.